Kris Markovich // CLICHE 101 "Markovica" - Deck & Signed Print by Sean Cliver - #39/60!

Kris Markovich // CLICHE 101 "Markovica" - Deck & Signed Print by Sean Cliver - #39/60!Kris Markovich // CLICHE 101 "Markovica" - Deck & Signed Print by Sean Cliver - #39/60!

Kris Markovich // CLICHE 101 "Markovica" - Deck & Signed Print by Sean Cliver - #39/60!

Yo...tatsächlich mal wieder ein "Highlight" abgegriffen...nicht kostenlos!

Kris Markovich - "Markovica" Deck und der Print dazu...Hammer!

Width: 8.5"
Length: 31.75"

Ich hab das Deck nie gefahren...logisch...zu alt!
Ich war aber erstaunt darüber, wie viele Skater das Deck geshreddet haben und es vermissen!? Scheint dann doch ein "skatebares Deck"😏 gewesen zu sein!

Zugabe!! Der Print..."Sean Cliver"...#39/60! Muss noch "reframed werden!

Hier noch ein Schmankerl zu Kris...check it out!

Torey Pudwill // Almost - "Russian Doll" - Torey´s First Pro-Model" - 2008 - Signed by Torey!

Torey Pudwill // Almost - "Russian Doll" - Torey´s First Pro-Model" - 2008 - Signed by Torey!Torey Pudwill // Almost - "Russian Doll" - Torey´s First Pro-Model" - 2008 - Signed by Torey!

Torey Pudwill // Almost - "Russian Doll" - Torey´s First Pro-Model" - 2008 - Signed by Torey!

Geiles Teil...Torey´s erstes Pro-Deck - "Russian Doll" by "Almost Skateboards" - 2008!

Und von Torey signiert ist es auch noch!

Der "Co-Owner" von "Almost" war oder ist noch Daewon Song.

Heute sind die Beiden mit "Thank You Skateboards" auf dem Weg!

Check it out here:

Chris Roberts // The Berrics - "Chocolate Skateboards" - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Chris Roberts // The Berrics - "Chocolate Skateboards" - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Chris Roberts // The Berrics - "Chocolate Skateboards" - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Chris Roberts // The Berrics - "Chocolate Skateboards" - Signed by Chris Roberts!

It is like it is...I have a second "The Berrics / Chocolate Deck" signed by Chris!

Dazu sag ich mal nix...lass ich einfach so stehen!

Gab ja bereits einen Post über das "Battle-Deck"!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

So...noch viel seltener geht es beinahe zwar möglich...aber dazu braucht es einen sehr, sehr langen Atem und einen Haufen Geld. Geld fehlt😉!

Natas Kaupas // Designarium - "Panther " - SC/NHS - Bull Dog Art" Reissue - Limited and Signed by Natas Kaupas and Wes Humpston #1/500 - Extremely Rare!

Das Deck ist definitiv mal ein Knaller! Ein Reissue des "Designarium" Natas Panther Deck mit der Kunst von Wes Humpston. Anyway zwei "Master" ihres Fachs!

Von diesem limitierten Reissue wurden 500 Stück verkauft...nur die ersten 20 Teile wurden von Natas und Wes signiert! Was das Release-Jahr des Decks angeht bin ich, nach etlichem recherchieren, bei 2008 gelandet! 

Hab mich auch mit Wes ausgetauscht, Natas ist eigen, der redet nicht mit jedem!

Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez // Primitive Skateboarding "Rosay" - Pro Modell - 2017 - signed by P-Rod!

Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez // Primitive Skateboarding "Rosay" - Pro Modell - 2017 - signed by P-Rod!

Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez // Primitive Skateboarding "Rosay" - Pro Modell - 2017 - signed by P-Rod!

Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez // Primitive Skateboarding "Rosay" - Pro Modell - 2017 - signed by P-Rod!

Ja...auch heiß...eher was für "Street-Skater", aber signiert und sexy!

Paul "P-Rod" Rodriguez // Primitive Skateboarding "Rosay" - Pro Modell - 2017!
Signed by P-Rod!

Width: 8.25"
Length: 32"
Wheelbase: 14"

Rodriguez Rosay Graphic

Paul Rodriguez verletzte sich 2019 schwer am Bein und Knie. Der ACL, MCL und der Meniskus waren kaputt und für lange Zeit konnte P-Rod nicht mehr skaten, von seinem hohen Niveau ganz zu schweigen. Seitdem hat sich der Sohn des gleichennamigen US-Komikers erholt und präsentiert seinen „Comeback“ Videopart …

Directed and Filmed by: Spanish Mike

Edited by: Alan Hannon and Spanish Mike

Additional Filming by: Alan Hannon and Jake Leger

Still Photography by: Oliver Barton

Motion Design and Art Direction: Blaine Birardi

3D Generalist: Jerome Love

Original Music by: My Best Friend Jacob

The Berrics // "SIMPSONS Deck" - Limited and Signed by Eric Koston & Steve Berra!

The Berrics // "SIMPSONS Deck" - Limited and Signed by Eric Koston & Steve Berra!

The Berrics // "SIMPSONS Deck" - Limited and Signed by Eric Koston & Steve Berra!

The Berrics // "SIMPSONS Deck" - Limited and Signed by Eric Koston & Steve Berra!

Als Skateboarder und "Simpsons" - Fan ein MUSS!!! Selten auch noch!

Signiert von Eric Koston & Steve Berra.

Hier mehr...check it out if you don´t know:

Forrest Edwards // ZERO - "Black Death" - Signed by Forrest!

Forrest Edwards // ZERO - "Black Death" - signed by Forrest!Forrest Edwards // ZERO - "Black Death" - signed by Forrest!

Forrest Edwards // Zero - Pro Model "BLACK DEATH", signiert von Forrest Edwards!

Width: 8.25"
Length: 31.9"
Wheelbase: 14.25"

Silver Foil/Matte Black

Nice peace...aber ich rauche trotzdem noch!

Adrian Lopez X Jamie Thomas // LMC x ZERO "25th Anniversary Deck" - Silver & Gold - signed by Jamie and Adrian!

Adrian Lopez X Jamie Thomas // LMC x ZERO "25th Anniversary Deck" - Silver & Gold - signed by Jamie and Adrian!

Adrian Lopez X Jamie Thomas // LMC x ZERO "25th Anniversary Deck" - Silver & Gold - signed by Jamie and Adrian!

Auch mal wieder Zwei schicke Planken!

Die Decks sind eine Kooperation von Adrian Lopez und Jamie Thomas zum 25 jährigen Jubiläum der Marke ZERO von Jamie Thomas. Adrian Lopez, ehemals ZERO - Pro,  gründete 2009 die Marke "Loser Machine Company - LMC"!

Die Decks sind 8.25" und 8.5" breit, eins in Silber, eins in Gold.
Beide von Jamie und Adrian signiert!

Blockhead Skateboards // skARTplanks "Hard Times" - Ron Cameron - Signed - #1/10!!!

Blockhead Skateboards // skARTplanks "Hard Times" - Ron Cameron - Signed - #1/10!!!

Blockhead Skateboards // skARTplanks "Hard Times" - Ron Cameron - Signed - #1/10!!!

Blockhead Skateboards // skARTplanks "Hard Times" - Ron Cameron - Signed - #1/10!!!

It is like it is...Sammeln kann eine Sucht sein!!!

Hier die Original-Werbung!!!
This Product is Currently Unavailable

Ron Cameron and I are super excited to finally kick things off with the skARTplanks series! Custom one-of-a-kind works of skate art inspired by the iconic Blockhead graphics and style from the 80’s and early 90’s.

For the first release we stashed away 10 of the Hard Times decks from the (SOLD OUT) reissues released last year. Ron had the idea to add some original art to the nose and tail in a somewhat cleaner version of the 1989 Hard Times style. He started out with a paint brush, then some spray paint and then two colors of paint pens for this multi-layered radness.

So there are only 10 of these and as you can see all very different from each other. They are obviously priced higher than an average Blockhead release but at a great introductory “Hard Times” price for original art by one of the most legendary skate artists of all time.

Thanks for the support! Dave B.

More details:

Signed and numbered, only 10 made
Bonus! Comes with 5x7 print of Ron painting your specific board (signed)...and one more.
Limited to one per customer
Buy one because you love them, no flippers please.

And I have the #1/10!!!

Natas Kaupas // Santa Cruz - "Kitten" - SMA - Reissue - Sold Out!

Natas Kaupas // Santa Cruz - "Kitten" - SMA - Reissue - Sold Out!Natas Kaupas // Santa Cruz - "Kitten" - SMA - Reissue - Sold Out!

Ja mei! Watt soll ich machen? Gekauft! Mittlerweile sehr gefragt und teuer!

Natas Kaupas // Santa Cruz - "Kitten" - SMA - Reissue - Sold Out!

Width: 9.89"
Length: 29.82"
Wheelbase: 15.3"
Modern Truck Holes
Super Limited
Natas Kaupas Pro Model

Und wieder mal..."for those who know and no further words needed!

Hot Stuff // "Comming up soon(er) or later - 100%Skateboarder - Hot Stuff!

Hot Stuff // "Comming up soon(er) or later - 100%Skateboarder - Hot Stuff!

Hot Stuff // "Comming up soon(er) or later - 100%Skateboarder - Hot Stuff!

Hot Stuff // "Comming up soon(er) or later - 100%Skateboarder - Hot Stuff!

Inspiriert von einer anderen Marke, gut, aber viel zu scharf, einseitig und langweilig!

Dann ging es los! Das kann ich, können wir auch!!!
 Kochen ist sowieso ein weiteres Hobby von meiner Frau und mir.

Also: "Schatz, wollen wie mal selber aktiv werden"? Antwort: "Ja, gerne"!

Also habe ich die ersten, verschiedenen Chili-Saucen gekocht und durch Früchte ergänzt.

Mag es gerne scharf, aber nicht so, das am Ende alles gleich schmeckt! Man soll ja noch was von dem Gericht schmecken, welches man mit der Sauce, je nach Geschmack "erweitert"! das Grundgericht scheiße kann man es ja durch extreme Schärfe übertünchen.

Das war aber nicht unser Ansatz!

Wir haben dann verschiedenste Saucen gekocht und an "Tester" im Bekanntenkreis verteilt um ein ehrliches Feedback zu bekommen! Haben wir auch bekommen...durchweg gut!

Meinem besten Spezl war eine Hot-Sauce zum Beispiel viel zu scharf, die Sauce kam retour!

Aber die fruchtigen Saucen kamen durchweg super gut an! 

Das war dann mehr oder weniger der Startschuss für "MEHR".

Also haben wir weiter gemacht...meine Frau macht das "Rub", ich die "Sauce" und zusammen machen wir das "Chutney"!

Dann musste ein Logo her, Gefäße für den möglichen Verkauf etc.!

Das Resultat seht ihr auf den Pics und wir sind in der "offiziellen Testphase" mit regionalen Geschäften. Spannend, aber viel Arbeit!!!

Jeremy Klein // Hook-Ups / World Industries - "Dream Girl" - Black Matted Handscreened - Old School Shape - Signed by Jeremy Klein - RARE!

Jeremy Klein // Hook-Ups / World Industries -  "Dream Girl" - Black Matted Handscreened - Old School Shape - Signed by Jeremy Klein - RARE!Jeremy Klein // Hook-Ups / World Industries -  "Dream Girl" - Black Matted Handscreened - Old School Shape - Signed by Jeremy Klein - RARE!

Jeremy Klein // Hook-Ups / World Industries -  "Dream Girl" - Black Matted Handscreened - Old School Shape - Signed by Jeremy Klein - RARE!

Ein weiteres Highlight und ziemlich selten!!!

Jeremy Klein // Hook-Ups / World Industries -  "Dream Girl"
Black Matted Handscreened - Old School Shape - Signed by Jeremy Klein!

Hat sich so ergeben, musste ich haben, geiles Deck!

Der Spagat zwischen "Sammeln" und "will ich shredden" ist ein ewiger Gewissenskonflikt!

Das Deck würde ich gerne fahren...wäre aber shizo!

Ich bin nicht wirklich...eher gar nicht...der "ANIME" - Fan, muss aber gestehen, das ich das "Hook-Ups" - Konzept gut und konsequent finde! Respekt!

Natas Kaupas // SMA - "Phil Guy Burrito Breath Santa Monica Airlines Skateboard Deck" - signed by Natas & Skip Engblom 🔥!

Natas Kaupas // SMA - "SMA - Phil Guy Burrito Breath Santa Monica Airlines Skateboard Deck" - signed by Natas & Skip Engblom!Natas Kaupas // SMA - "SMA - Phil Guy Burrito Breath Santa Monica Airlines Skateboard Deck" - signed by Natas & Skip Engblom!

Natas Kaupas // SMA - "SMA - Phil Guy Burrito Breath Santa Monica Airlines Skateboard Deck" - signed by Natas & Skip Engblom!

Da wären wir wieder an dem Punkt "back to the roots"!

Und mal wieder hab ich zugeschlagen...SMA, Natas, Skip...untrennbar!!!

Für die "Newcomer", die zwar was mit "Natas" anfangen können, aber keinerlei Ahnung haben wer "Skip Engblom" ist...klickt auf das Fette!!! Mann der ersten Stunde!!!

Über Natas Kaupas muss man/ich sowieso nix erzählen...kennt man oder googelt man!

Rick Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!

Rick Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!Rick Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!

Chris Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!

Rick Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!

Auch ein sehr, sehr, sehr geiles Teil...Knaller!!!
Da haben sich wohl zwei Personen "in der Wolle gehabt"!?
Unschwer zu erkennen an der Signatur...for those who know!!!

Bei uns würde man sagen "Pack schlägt sich, Pack verträgt sich"!

Hier die Details:
The Ben Davis monkey parody was the top graphic of Rick’s 1991 “NEW GRAPHICS” board. The original intentions were to use this as the bottom graphics on the next batch but Rick got swooped up before this could happen. So what we have here is a NBI (never been issued), the board that should have been but never was (but now is).

It’s a great logo drawn by Ron Lemen that was forced to live it’s life belittled as simply a top graphic... until now, it will finally given the premium bottom board placement it deserves.

Oh and here’s the story behind it...well let’s just start out by saying that this was the workwear era in skateboarding with many skaters buying (increasingly) oversized uniform pants and shirts at thrift stores and swap meets, it was all about Ben Davis, Dickies and Red Kap. But my ears are still ringing from the second part of the story....

While on a cross country tour with the young guns (I believe Rick Howard, Omar Hassan, Steve Berra and Andy Brayman), we stopped on the side of the road at a fireworks stand. You can’t buy (exploding) firecrackers in California so we were thrilled to find them and stocked up. Well the boys couldn’t wait and firecrackers started exploding inside the tour van with increasing numbers and closeness to the driver (me). My fuse was getting shorter as I screamed out “if anyone lights off one more #%@&ing firecracker I’m going to.....”. Meanwhile Rick was sitting right behind me and was trying to blow out the firecracker he had just lit...on my headrest! It exploded in my ear and I swerved to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes. Before I could even get my seatbelt off all the guys were already out the door and scattering like hunted bunny rabbits across the flat field. I threw all their skateboards out of the van and drove away...stopping up the road a bit to cool down. Apologies were made and we headed east in silence apart from the ringing in my ears....and there you have it, that’s the story behind the firecracker on Rick’s board.

An essential part of Blockhead and Rick Howard’s history, this board is limited to a maximum run of 120 (depending on pre-orders). These will be signed by Rick (if he is available but no guarantee) and hand numbered (boards are signed on top).

Dave B.


Solid color stains (brown, blue, black, orange, natural)
Tri-split stains (assorted, see photo compilation for possibilities).
White dip
Art by Ron Lemen
Bottom: 3 color screen printed graphics
Top: Screenprint graphic and laser burn logo
Dimensions: 9.625 x 32”, 6.5” Tail, 6.625” Nose,14.25” Wheelbase
Same shape as “NEW GRAPHICS” board
Old school hole pattern
1991 era concave
Construction: 7-ply maple
Stained laminates, rails are natural (except white dip)
Manufactured by Watson Laminates, San Diego CA
Originally planned release date 1992, Limited issue 2018

Rick Howard // Blockhead Skateboards "Monkey - 1991 Art" - Never Been Issued - Special Release 2018 - Limited and Signed by Rick Howard #81/100!

So...zu Rick Howard, dem "more or less" 45 million man hier mehr:

Chris Roberts // Chocolate Skateboards "Battle At The Berrics 11 - Deck" - 2018 - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Chris Roberts // Chocolate Skateboards  "Battle At The Berrics 11 - Deck" - 2018 - Signed by Chris Roberts!Chris Roberts // Chocolate Skateboards  "Battle At The Berrics 11 - Deck" - 2018 - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Chris Roberts // Chocolate Skateboards  "Battle At The Berrics 11 - Deck" - 2018 - Signed by Chris Roberts!

Hab mal wieder zugeschlagen...und da kommen demnächst deutlich mehr Posts!

Warum? Egal!

Hiermit fang ich an...auch wenn ICH eher der "Oldschooler" bin!

Chocolate Skateboards  "Battle At The Berrics 11 - Deck" - 2018 - Signed by Chris Roberts!

"Girl Skateboards Pro Mike Mo Capaldi und Chocolate Skateboards Fahrer Chris Roberts kündigen in diesem iMessage Chat die neue Runde an.
Beide sind die jeweiligen Chefs vom Team „Crob“ und Team „Mo“."
Angetreten sind beide Chef´s!!!

Seht selbst:

O.M.S.A Skates // "Dietsches O.M.S.A. Pool Service Deck" - 2022 🔥!

O.M.S.A Skates // "Dietsches O.M.S.A. Pool Service Deck" - 2022 🔥!O.M.S.A Skates // "Dietsches O.M.S.A. Pool Service Deck" - 2022 🔥!

Jetzt hab ich auch endlich eins...länger gewartet, aber früher gewusst!

Da haben die Beiden....

Peter Diepes - "O.M.S.A. Skates" und Donald Campbell - "Pavel Skates"

ein geiles Teil rausgehauen...geiler Shape a la Dietsches!!! Geilstest " hand screening" a la Donald!

Links findet ihr ja unter den Pics...order who can!!!