Posts mit dem Label Doug Saladino werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Doug Saladino werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Doug Saladino // Deathbox / "G&S 1978 - Reissue 2002" - Limited and signed #2/300!

Doug Saladino // Deathbox / "G&S 1978 - Reissue 2002" - Limited and signed #2/300!, Deathbox,Doug "Pineapple" Saladino,

Doug Saladino // Deathbox / "G&S 1978 - Reissue 2002" - Limited and signed #2/300!, Deathbox,Doug "Pineapple" Saladino,

Doug Saladino // Deathbox / "G&S 1978 - Reissue 2002" - Limited and signed #2/300!, Deathbox,Doug "Pineapple" Saladino,

Manche Dinge im Leben muss man einfach sichern und erhalten!!!

Doug Saladino // Deathbox / "G&S 1978 - Reissue 2002" - Limited and signed #2/300!

Das Deck gehört ganz sicher dazu!

Wie, woher, für wieviel (zu billig) werde ich erwähnen...Glück gehabt!

Heute eingeboxt und für "Plexi-Scheibe" vorbereitet...warte auf´s Material!

Doug "Pineapple" Saladino // G&S / Doug “Pineapple” Saladino - “Then” - Reissue Skateboard - III" - 2022 - signed by Doug!

Doug "Pineapple" Saladino // "G&S Doug “Pineapple” Saladino - “Then” Reissue Skateboard - III" - 2022 - signed by Doug!Doug "Pineapple" Saladino // "G&S Doug “Pineapple” Saladino - “Then” Reissue Skateboard - III" - 2022 - signed by Doug!

Bin ich drüber gestolpert, hat mir dann ein "Buddy" aus Portugal geschickt!

Doug “Pineapple” Saladino PineDesign - “Then” Reissue Skateboard

Length: 31"
Width: 10.5"
Wheelbase: 18"
Doug “Pineapple” Saladino “Then” Reissue Skateboard is his 3rd PineDesign Model.
2020/2021 Skateboarding Hall of Fame’s…Doug “Pineapple” Saladino is celebrating 46 years on the G&S team and still skating strong.  
This Reissue is of Doug's third Model from 1981 with G&S.

We are celebrating Doug’s journey with us by releasing this “Then & Now” set. You can get both!"
Doug personally Hand Signed each deck on the Tail.

Doug "Pineapple" Saladino // "G&S Doug “Pineapple” Saladino - “Then” Reissue Skateboard - III" - 2022 - signed by Doug!

More about Doug? Check this out: