Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

 Ich hatte euch ja in Vol. 1 schon die "Capsule´s" gezeigt...

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Einige haben vielleicht keine Capsule´s erwischt, andere wollten vielleicht auch nicht!?
Grundsätzlich ist es mir aber wichtig, das alle Interessierten den Inhalt des Booklets und den Umfang der "Capsule´s" kennen sollten! it is!

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

und da sind sie...die handschriftlichen Signaturen von Lance und Freddie!!!

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2

Lance Mountain // "Freddie De Sota" / "What if Capsule" by Lance Mountain - limited #100! Vol. 2 seid ihr informiert! 

Nur zur Info...

...das © Copyright für die Produkte liegt bei Lance Mountain. Die Fotos sind von mir!
Bitte besser nix reproduzieren oder Lance Mountain fragen!!!

Torey Pudwill / Daewon Song // "ZomBuddies & Buddies" - Thank You Skateboards - 2021 - Limited and signed by both!

Torey Pudwill / Daewon Song // "ZomBuddies & Buddies" - Thank You Skateboards - 2021 - Limited and signed by both!

Torey Pudwill / Daewon Song // "ZomBuddies & Buddies" - Thank You Skateboards - 2021 - Limited and signed by both!

Heute hab ich die zwei aktuellen, vergriffenen Teile...limitiert und signiert von den Buddies Torey Pudwill und Daewon Song, Gründer von "Thank You Skateboards" erhalten!

Beide 8.5"

Sehr, sehr geil...die Skater, deren Freundschaft und was sie daraus gemacht haben!
Die Jungs hatte ich auf dem Schirm..."Thank You Skateboards" noch nicht!

Ziemlich coole Buddies...hier mehr:

"Torey Pudwill and Daewon Song launched Thank You Skateboards in 2018 with a common goal in mind.

Thank You’s mission is to use the collective power of skateboarding to shine a light on deserving causes and uplift our community through action.

Beyond our signature board collections, apparel and accessories our proudest venture: The “give back” board collections. Each deck sold in these series are custom designed to highlight an admirable initiative with a portion of the proceeds donated to that cause.

"Daewon and I have been friends for many years and have shared the same sponsor on a few occasions so it's a real honor and dream come true to finally be able to start a board company with him that shows our appreciation to skateboarding." -Torey Pudwill

"Looking forward to a bright future with many new things to show and offer. Our appreciation to skateboarding will never end. "- Daewon Song"

John Lucero // Madrid / "Jester" - Reissue Deck - Pink - Limited and signed by John Lucero!

ohn Lucero // Madrid / "Jester" - Reissue Deck - Pink - Limited and signed by John Lucero!John Lucero // Madrid / "Jester" - Reissue Deck - Pink - Limited and signed by John Lucero!

John Lucero // Madrid / "Jester" - Reissue Deck - Pink - Limited and signed by John Lucero!

Again...for those who know!

Ein legendäres Deck..."Jester" by John Lucero!

Width: 10.25″
Length: 30″
Wheelbase: 16.5″
Nose: 3″
Tail: 6.25″
Original mold!
Most iconic Madrid board!


This Madrid John Lucero Jester Reissue deck is now available in PINK. Deck 10.25″ x 30″

First released in 1984, the Lucero Jester ranks among the most iconic Madrid boards. This limited re-release was pressed on original molds at the Madrid factory in Huntington Beach, CA.

Mal ein bisschen "Merchandise" - Vol. 2 // Carpet "Santa Cruz - Screaming Hand"

Mal ein bisschen "Merchandise" - Vol. 2 // Carpet "Santa Cruz - Screaming Hand"

Nach den massenhaften Reaktionen auf meinen ersten Post mit den Teppichen war ich baff!

Da hab ich mal gleich noch das Teil bestellt! Wer hat, der hat!

Ich poste ja eine Teil auch auf Insta. Da ist die Reichweite grösser!

Allerdings hab ich auch diverse "Likes", die mich nachdenken lassen!

Da kommen oftmals so Kommentare wie "ich wünschte, ich könnte mir das auch leisten", "das muss ja eine Haufen Geld wert sein" etc.!

Dazu muss und möchte ich mal was mitteilen...auch ich hab im Leben Höhen und Tiefen gehabt...Scheidung, Jobverlust, Insolvenz etc., ich bin gestrauchelt, gefallen, aber auch wieder aufgestanden! Also...steh auf wenn Du am Boden liegst, bleib immer Du selbst, lass dich nicht verbiegen und am Ende wird alles gut! 

Und vor Allem...Keep on shredding!

REAL Skateboards // "Big Baby" Trump - 2017

REAL Skateboards // "Big Baby" Trump - 2017REAL Skateboards // "Big Baby" Trump - 2017

Das Teil musste ich ja haben, wusste mein "Supa Dupa_Spezl-Lieferant" auch!

Width: 9.3"
Lenght: 32.56"

Ich steh ja irgendwie auf den Vollpfosten, der ist so dämlich, das es schon beinahe wieder lustig ist. Allerdings...gefährlich war und ist er noch!

Sogar REAL SKATEBOARDS hat das Deck 2017 mit "a joke is a joke" beworben. 
Da hat man wohl schon Angst vor Repressionen gehabt!


Real Skateboards is a board company that was founded by Tommy Guerrero and Jim Thiebaud formally of Powell Skateboards.

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Primewood - "Dune" by Blue - signed by Chris!

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Primewood - "Dune" by Blue - signed by Chris!Chris "Dune" Pastras // Primewood - "Dune" by Blue - signed by Chris!

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Primewood - "Dune" by Blue - signed by Chris!

Hübsches Deck, geiler Shape und signiert von Chris "Dune" Pastras! Grafik bekannt!

Ich hatte "Blue Skateboards" bisher nicht auf dem Schirm...bin ja ehrlich!

Hier etwas dazu:

Blue Skateboards is back! 
Started by Jason Lee and Chris Pastras in 1991, shortly before starting Stereo Skateboards a year later. Prime Wood is proud to bring Blue Skateboards back with some reissues and some new board graphics.

Jason Jessee // Bricks Brand - "Guadalupe" Statue - Traditional - Limited and signed by Jason #36/111!

Jason Jessee // Bricks Brand - "Guadalupe" Statue - Traditional - Limited and signed by Jason #36/111!Jason Jessee // Bricks Brand - "Guadalupe" Statue - Traditional - Limited and signed by Jason #36/111!

Jason Jessee // Bricks Brand - "Guadalupe" Statue - Traditional - Limited and signed by Jason #36/111!

Jason Jessee // Bricks Brand - "Guadalupe" Statue - Traditional - Limited and signed by Jason #36/111!

For those who know...a Highlight!

Sehr, sehr geiles Teil! Hab mich tierisch gefreut!

Zu Bricks Brand....


Bricks Brand was founded by Jason Jessee and Donny Miller.

Jason has no business experience whatsoever, but somehow managed to start a bunch of successful brands.
Donny brings years of failed business experience to the table, because he happened to be around a bunch of brands who were already successful and figured he had something to do with it. (He didn't. Shhhh. Sad.)
They both have depression and get their feelings hurt real easy. How easy? A nervous glance from the wrong person could send either one of them into an existential tailspin.

Together, they are raising the corporation Bricks Brand as their own child.

Here is the forward from their book,
It's Not a Corporation, It's a Choice. Raising a Corporation as a Person.

"It's hard raising a corporation, even with the guidance of two. Most corporations are brought up to squeeze the profit out of everything to the point of economic Armageddon. Not Bricks.
Since being given corporate personhood by the U.S. Supreme Court and civil unions recognizing domestic partnerships between same sex couples, corporations can now be raised by two men or two women as their own child.
The civil union grants spousal privilege. When you take advantage of laws for your own personal gain, people respect that. Especially in the business world.

We're raising our corporation to share money with employees and make as many products in the USA as possible. It's possible to control economic decisions that create a positive cash flow of production money into the U.S.
It's Not a Corporation, It's a Choice."


Viel mehr will ich dazu gar nicht posten!

Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!

Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!

Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!

Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!Ramadama / Cleaning Up / An "todays" session!

Ich wollte mal aufräumen und eher "shifting" geworden!?

Alles cool...sieht besser aus (in einer Ecker weniger bedeutet in einer anderen Ecke mehr)...

...doof gelaufen!

Sean Cliver // "Firecracker" - black & "Liberty" - Both 8.5"

Sean Cliver // "Firecracker" - black & "Liberty" - Both 8.5"Sean Cliver // "Firecracker" - black & "Liberty" - Both 8.5"

Firecracker / Black / 8.5 Deck - (left)

Widht: 8.5"
Length: 32.25"
Nose: 7.0"
Tail: 6.5"
Wheelbase: 14.25"

Artwork by Sean Cliver
Manufactured at PS Stix
Screen-printed at Screaming Squeegees

Product Description: Firecrackers are deemed to be an illegal explosive device in my home state of Wisconsin, so it was quite the criminal thrill to come into unlawful possession of them as a kid. Consequently, to this day, the mere sight of them and their decorative wrappers is enough to make me go full Rob Halford for breakin' the law in a misdemeanor way. —Cliver

Liberty / 8.5 Deck - (right)

Widht: 8.5"
Length: 32.125"
Nose: 7.125"
Tail: 6.75"
Wheelbase: 14.25"

Artwork by Sean Cliver
Manufactured at PS Stix
Screen-printed at Screaming Squeegees

Product Description: The dangers of making a holiday-themed deck have yet to be lost on me, as I'm sticking to my 'Murican guns and chalking this set up to those fantastic roadside fireworks stores found in select states throughout the nation that are open all year long with nary a care for relegating the act of blowing shit up to just one 4th day out of the year. —Cliver

Und weil es sich anfühlt wie "Eltern und Kinder"...

Sean Cliver // Strangelove - "Uncle Sam & Liberty Deck Set 8.5" - 1st Editition Screen Print - both signed by Sean Cliver!

...hier noch "Sam & Liberty", die Eltern - both signed by Sean on the top!

Mal ein bisschen "Merchandise" // Carpets "Santa Cruz" & "Independent"

Carpets "Santa Cruz" & "Independent"

Da andere Neuheiten noch unterwegs sind, wollte ich euch die Teile auch nicht vorenthalten!

Einen Teppich kann man schließlich immer gebrauchen und wenn auch nur zum saugen!

Sehr hübsche Teile. Vielleicht für den irgendwann "upcomming" Shop oder sonstwas!

MUSKETON // "The Last Supper" - Limited Edition Puzzle - #180/260!

 Ein jeder Skater kennt "The Last Supper" in diversen Versionen von diversen Brands!!!

Cliche...die wohl Bekannteste Version und noch in meiner Pipeline, Pizza, Toy Machine und noch ein paar Andere!

Eine geile Version kennen eher die Wenigsten...MUSKETON!

MUSKETON // "The Last Supper"

Ja, das Deck habe ich leider verpasst! Sehr, sehr ärgerlich!!!

Dann konnte ich aber wenigstens das Puzzle, schöne Beschäftigung in Covid Zeiten, ergattern...wie immer limitiert und signiert!

MUSKETON // "The Last Supper" - Limited Edition Puzzle - #180/260!

MUSKETON // "The Last Supper" - Limited Edition Puzzle - #180/260!

Sehr, sehr geil und sehr, sehr Detailreich! Einfach Fun!

In meiner Pipeline noch...

RARE Cliché LAST SUPPER Skateboard 11 Deck Set World Industries Marc McKee Blind
...und ich weiß woher und von wem!

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Prime - "Babies" - Handnumbered, handscreened and signed #150/200!

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Prime - "Babies" - Handnumbered, handscreened and signed #150/200!Chris "Dune" Pastras // Prime - "Babies" - Handnumbered, handscreened and signed #150/200!

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Prime - "Babies" - Handnumbered, handscreened and signed #150/200!

Irgendwie hab ich gerade einen Lauf...don´t know why!?

Chris "Dune" Pastras // Prime - "Babies"
Handnumbered, handscreened and signed #150/200!
Width: 9.38"
Length: 31.75"
Wheel Base: 13.75"
1991 "Gossamer" shape.

Signed and numbered edition of 200.
Previously unreleased World Industries graphic. 
Handscreened by Screaming Squeeges.

Jim Thiebaud // "Villain" Deck - SMA Re-Issue 2016 - #77/500!

Jim Thiebaud // "Villain" Deck - SMA Re-Issue 2016 - #77/500!Jim Thiebaud // "Villain" Deck - SMA Re-Issue 2016 - #77/500!

Jim Thiebaud // "Villain" Deck - SMA Re-Issue - #77/500!

A "must have"!!!

"Jim Thiebaud // "Villain" Deck - SMA Re-Issue - #77/500!
Legendary skateboard brand Santa Monica Airlines has reissued former pro skateboarder Jim Thiebaud's classic "Villain" deck through distributor NHS.

Today's skate rats know Thiebaud as the co-founder of Real Skateboards and the brains behind Deluxe Distribution, the ins-and-outs of which he shares with his nearly 13,000 followers on Twitter. But it's Thiebaud's illustrious history on his board that is being celebrated in the re-release of his first pro model for SMA.

Jim Thiebaud with one of the most classic frontside wallride photos ever. 1986.

Thiebaud left Powell/Peralta as an amateur to join pioneering street skater Natas Kaupas, in the upstart company Santa Monica Airlines.

"The first graphic is a huge thing in life, so without a doubt my first graphic is one of my favorite graphics of all times and especially because Natas drew it and showed it to me outside of the Powell premiere when I knew I was going to quit [Powell/Peralta]," Thiebaud remembers.

Thiebaud's exit from the Powell team in 1989 isn't the only historic skate controversy that surrounds the "Villain" graphic. A self professed comic book fiend, Thiebaud's first pro board was initially released as "The Joker," but a cease and desist forced SMA to revamp the graphic and reintroduce the deck as the "Villain."

Born out of Skip Engblom's surf shop in Santa Monica, Calif., Santa Monica Airlines is widely regarded as one of the brands that helped define modern skateboarding. Thiebaud acknowledged the impact of his time spent under their banner.

"I'm forever grateful to Natas and Skip for giving me the opportunity to ride for SMA." Thiebaud said. "SMA is a company with incredible roots in skateboarding and it was incredibly eventful to be a part of them and Natas threw me the lifeline and asked me to ride for them."

Part of what's kept Thiebaud so engaged in skateboarding is his determination to be proactive in providing assistance to skaters and causes that are close to his heart. In keeping with his DIY ethos, Thiebaud's royalties from the reissued of the "Villain" deck and T-shirts will be going to the Johnny Kicks Cancer foundation, launched by the Romano family after loosing their son Johnny to cancer in 2008.

Thiebaud, who's boisterous on Twitter but often holds his cards close to his chest in person, said, "I'm thankful that anyone wants anything with my name on it and if it can be a part of raising money for Johnny Kicks Cancer, then it's a good thing.

To cop a piece of skateboard history, collectors are going to have to wait until May. The SMA "Villain" graphic, on natural wood, is limited to an edition of 500 skateboards."